Workshop on Web Search Result Summarization and Presentation
A WWW 2009 Workshop
Co-Located with the 18th World Wide Web Conference WWW2009
April 20th, 2009
Madrid, Spain
Providing a satisfying web search experience can be a challenging task for a search engine.
Numerous disciplines -- search, summarization, user interface design, usability, metrics, machine learning and modeling -- all have to come
together in order to deliver the final experience. Effective summarization is part of the challenge.
In this workshop we will focus on various aspects of web summarization, presentation, and user satisfaction metrics and models.
The kinds of questions and issues we would like to address are:
- What makes an effective web search result summary? What is a summary for?
- Technological challenges and opportunities for innovation in how summaries are generated
- What should be optimized during summarization?
- Defining and measuring effectiveness of summarization
- What real-time measurements (e.g. click logs) and offline (e.g. human rater judgments) can be used as surrogates for user satisfaction models?
- How does one model the differences in human scanning and reading behaviors?
- How can eye tracking technology be utilized to help understand the balance between scanning and reading behaviors?
- What useful qualitative insights can we gauge from usability and field studies with respect to how users utilize summaries in their search for information?
- What are good scalable metrics for summarization?
- Can one learn layout and presentation using appropriate machine learning techniques and targets?
- How do we optimize SERP UI to support user workflow?
- What's good and not good about presenting ranked results linearly?
Do new presentation strategies overcome the limitations? Do these generalize to multiple languages?
- Future trends and directions in search results presentation
Topics of Interest
Main topics of interest in the areas of Web Results Summarization and Presentation include but are not limited to:
- Web summarization and related natural language processing
- Information presentation, exploration, and design
- Usability and eye tracking studies of web search results presentation
- Machine learning for summarization and presentation
- User models: learning from clicks and human rater judgments
- Metrics for individual pieces and the final experience
Workshop Chairs
Program Committee
- Anne Aula (Google)
- Byron Dom (Yahoo!)
- Yunbo Cao (Microsoft)
- Oliver Chapelle (Yahoo!)
- Ed Chi(PARC)
- Tom Chi(Yahoo!)
- Susan Dumais(Microsoft)
- Donna Harman (NIST)
- Marti Hearst (UC Berkeley)
- Michael Hochster (Google)
- Thorsten Joachims (Cornell)
- Diane Kelly (UNC)
- Tapas Kanungo (Yahoo!)
- Chin-Yew Lin (Microsoft)
- Gary Marchionini (UNC)
- Daniel Marcu (USC)
- Ryan McDonald (Google)
- Don Metzler (Yahoo!)
- Vibhu Mittal (Google)
- Boyan Onyshkevych (US DoD)
- Patrick Pantel (Yahoo!)
- Jan Pedersen (Microsoft)
- K. Prasad (Yahoo!)
- Dan Roth (UIUC)
- Ian Ruthven (U. Strathclyde)
- Luo Si (Purdue)
- Alex Smola (Yahoo!)
- Maria Stone (Yahoo!)
- Tony Thrall (Yahoo!)
- Lucy Vanderwende (Microsoft)
- Chen Zhao (Microsoft)
Submission and Online Proceedings
Please use the following link to submission system to submit your paper: Easychair Submission System for WSSP2009
Papers should be formatted according to the guidelines of the WWW2008 conference, which can be found here.The site also has links to templates for MS Word and Latex users. The only diference is that the paper should not exceed 4 pages.
Important Dates
- Deadline for submissions: March 6, 2009
- Notification of acceptance:
March 20, 2009 March 24, 2009
- Camera-ready versions:
April 10, 2009 April 6, 2009
- Workshop: April 20, 2009
A text version of the CFP can be found here
Please do not hesitate to contact Tapas Kanungo with any questions you have!